Who do you share your thoughts with?

Do you have someone that you can share your professional goals with that will support and encourage you to pursue them?
Healthy social and professional relationships are critical to the overall health of an investor. Real estate investing can be a very lonely activity, day in and day out, hunting for deal. It can also be very frustrating if you don't have someone to show you the way. However, when you surround yourself with like-minded people, it helps with the stress that comes with investing. It allows for the sharing of resources, and can help you reach your goals faster. You get the relief of not being alone, and learning from others' mistakes.
A sisterhood bound is important because often our friends and family love us, but don't understand were this strong desire to build wealth in real estate comes from. It's not the easiest to understand or relate to if you're not an active investor.
In the L.A. Women in Real Estate Investors' Club, these are the women you can talk about prospecting, wholesaling, net operating income, and CAP rates. You can share how you're finding your deals and what you're using to analyze them. The club is a safe, supportive, and encouraging environment for women investors' because we get it! We get the joys, the struggles, and the challenges that comes with this industry.
If you're a women investor looking for a supportive and trusted resource for real estate investing education, check out the L.A. W.I.R.E. Investors' Club, http://www.lawireclub.com.